craigslist ad: Wilfred Johnson is a fraud (l_______)
This guy is placing ad on craigslist for property for rent that are really being sold. He is stating that he is in WEST AFRICA where he work with the WEST AFRICA NETWORK FOR PEACE and even gives a website to go and see. The rent he is offering is cheap and too good to be true. I clld the real este on one of the property he offer and they adv me is a scam. so please be aware of Wilfred Johnson.
I saw your ad on craigslist. May I assume that you work for Wilfred Johnson?
Thanks, Beth
no I dont. He send me and email with an offer and lease agreement asking me to send him 1st month and security by western union to a property over at 3__ n j______ st. Before sending money I went to the property and there was a for sale sign. I called the real easte and they confirmed that it was a scam and the house is really for sale not for rent. So I'm just warning people of this guy b/c if he send me an email he send others the same and some will send him the money b/c it sound to good.
Interesting. I have been looking for a man who goes by the alias 'Wilfred Johnson' for some time. Did you meet this individual in person?
Please do not alert them that you have received my email.
Thanks, Beth
I did not meet him if you wnat here is his email addrs. wilfredjohnson__@ the email he sent me he did not give any phn # or addrs. and No I wont tell him, I havent talk to him since last email.
Do you think you could email him to say that you are still interested in that place? Now that Wilfred Johnson has resurfaced in plain sight after all these years I don't want him to catch a whiff that someone may be after him.
I could tried. he did mention on the email that he was in West Africa. I'll send him and email and see if he response back.
Did he get you for money? if you dont mind me asking.
Wilfred Johnson took more than money from me. And I don't mind going to West Africa to find him.
What circumstances were you contacted under?
I send him a messg regarding a house for rent on craigslist and he replied back with discription of the house an application. He did not give any personal info. I got his name from the email addrs.
Did Wilfred leave an address for the Western Union?
nah I did send him an email saying that I was interested before I found out he was a scam and he never did get back to me with any kind of info. I did send him a 2nd email addrs now/today adv that I was interested.
Thanks. Please let me know as soon as he takes the bait. If he does, we'll have to proceed with great caution. Wilfred Johnson is quite slippery.
Have you heard from Wilfred Johnson? I'm anxious to be able to get on with my life.
Thanks, Beth
Nah he has not replied back to any of my emails. Sorry
Damn. Maybe I will try to contact yahoo! to see if we can trace his computer. Would you go along with this? I hesitate to involve authorities, because I wasn't entirely innocent in this matter.
I was going to tell you to contact yahoo and see if you could do something
so I was on craigslist looking for a place and I think I came across the ad that belongs to Wilfred J. it is in today date 7/15 under apt/housing. tittle RENTAL ASSISTANT PROGRAM I;m going to send another email under a different email addrs
Good idea. Let me know if and when he responds. How poetic it would be, if calling himself Wilfred after all these years led to his undoing -- like the dark hand of old habit reaching up from the past to drag him back to hell.
" How poetic it would be, if calling himself Wilfred after all these years led to his undoing -- like the dark hand of old habit reaching up from the past to drag him back to hell." WOW that sounds like a great plot line for a movie. Maybe Ill write it. I write scripts for movies and currently trying to shoot a short video now.
I just the other email and he still has not responded. He must of really screw you for you to want to tract him down.
Maybe I'll write down the whole story before I die. But I couldn't share it until everyone who would care would be in the ground, myself included.
If he truly has resurfaced, I hope I will have the chance to bring both Wilfred and the story to an end.
he just send me this email again. no other info
Full Name__________________________________________________
Home Phone ( )________________________
Date of Birth_________________________________
Other Phone ( )___________________
Current Address_______________________________Apt#________ City__________________ State______ Zip________
Reasons for Leaving____________________________Rent $__________Phone ( )____________________________
Which of the Above Phone # can u be reach at anytime: ( )__________________
Best Time to Call You:___________________
Are you married____________________________
How many people will be living in the house____________________________
Do you have a pet____________________________
Do you have a car____________________________
monthly income?____________________________
How Long You Want the Lease?____________________________
Move In Date____________________________
When do you intend receive the keys & document of the house________________
When do you intended sending the deposit___________________________
Have You Gone to See The House Yet?________________
Ha. It even sounds like Wilfred. Have you responded to the questionnaire?
yes I did.
And you said that last time he asked you to send money via Western Union?
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
the animal communicator
craigslist ad:
Do you ever wonder what your animal or equine friend was thinking? Do you wish you could deepen your relationship with your furry friend? Do have questions you would like answered? Animal Communication may be able to bridge these gaps and deepen your relationship. Readings can be done in person, on the phone, or over the internet. I communicate with animals who are living and those who are in spirit as well. Group rates and parties are now also available. Please email with any question.
I'm interested in speaking to my pets, but I'm skeptical about whether it really works. This is for real, right? It's not just a for-entertainment-only thing?
Thanks, Beth
Hi Beth,
Thanks for contacting me. I do have a good record for seeing changes in animals and for knowing things that I should not know otherwise. I can give you references if you need them. That being said, for legal purposes it is listed under entertainment only. I will enclose my legal disclaimer which is for your and my protection. I charge $25 for a half hour for phone or internet readings and $40 for an hour. For in person visits I charge $60 and price can go up if I have to travel more than 20 miles. In person readings are typically an hour to an hour and a half. As far as the internet readings go, I do not charge until after we are finished, so if you are unsatisfied for any reason, then I will not charge you.
I have enclosed my Mission Statement and Disclaimer. Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Peace and Blessings,
Animal Communication is a form of telepathy that can be done through distance and time. It is my belief that every living creature has a spirit and free will. Animal Communication is a way to strengthen your relationship with your animal companion through a better understanding of each other and open and honest discussion. It can be used as a problem solving tool for behavior issues through a clarification of expectations and negotiation. Animal Communications is not a training method and can not force an animal to do something he or she does not want. I have seen many amazing changes in animals who feel heard and understood. It is my belief that love, patience, and communication can bridge many obstacles in our lives.
Disclaimer: For legal purposes only, this is for entertainment purposes only. M________ makes every effort to give accurate and helpful information. This is not a substitute for regular and emergency veterinary care and M________ is not a veterinarian. Accuracy, results, and outcomes can not be guaranteed, nor are they implied at any time.
Hmm. The issue is that I want to do a trial communicating with animals to convince them to agree to certain tests. If this works it may set a legal precedent for commercial animal communication. But if you list your service as for entertainment, it may nullify the result in terms of us being allowed to do the tests. Could you remove that clause temporarily for this project?
Hi Beth,
I'm not exactly sure what you are asking. I generally work with animals and their owners to help solve problems and help deepen their relationship. I'm not sure Animal Communication will ever be considered "legally sound" but anecdotally it has helped people's relationship with their animals. I also strongly believe that all living creatures have a soul and free will. Animal Communication is not a training process and can not force an animal to do something it does not want to. However, by explaining clearly the how's and why's of what you desire, sometimes opens their hearts and minds to the process.
So when a drug company, for instance, does trials on humans, they require informed consent. The humans need to agree to be a part of the experiment. I think that a talented Animal Communicator could possibly get something similar from animals, potentially by explaining that if the animal participates its young will be taken care of or something similar. Does this make sense?
I'm not sure I'd be comfortable being a part of animal experimentation. Especially if it involves cruelty or mistreatment. I don't think I will be able to help you.
Well one aspect of the communication would be to know if we were hurting them. Until now, animals have had no voice in the entire process.
What kind of research are you doing?
I'm sorry, I don't think I can support any experiment that intentionally or unintentionally harms animals. If the animals were in distress would you stop the experimentation? Do you work with people who are concerned about the welfare of the animals?
I would be surprised if any Communicator would want to be involved in this kind of work. Many of us are empaths. We want to stop suffering of animals, not knowingly subject them to more.
We're doing experimental research of a highly ethics-free nature. We work with natural, herbal medications.
One aspect of this could be this: if an animal died, we could find out if and where it felt pain. This could prevent future suffering (FE: if we knew a subject had stomach pain, it could save the lives of other animals). But rarely are the results so drastic. Herbal medication is rarely very strong. In cases where a medication caused pain, we might infer that it would never make a good human medication and stop the trial.
I'm surprised too that we would consider working with Communicators. But in this economy, I have had many strange bedfellows.
I appreciate that you are looking into Communication as way to give your subjects a voice, but I'm not sure it will help you in the way that you hope. First of all, even if I did describe how the animal says he/she feels, there is really no scientific way to prove it. You can measure their vitals as an indication of pain or distress, but I imagine you already are doing this.
The "proof" in Animal Communication is seen in changes in the animal's behavior. For instance, if I work with a dog who barks excessively or pees on the rug every time the owner goes to work, I would begin the session trying to find out why. The dog may tell me about some past trauma of being abandoned, or maybe the fear of being alone, or maybe something else that is even more surprising (each animal is truly individual). So I would work with the owner and the dog to resolve some of the dog's worries. Maybe the dog wants the owner to tell him when the owner will be home before the owner leaves. Maybe the dog wants the radio on. Maybe he wants the radio off. We work to find a solution both parties are comfortable with. Many times the behavior just improves when the animal feels heard. Then I'll get an email a week later saying that Fido is a 'new dog' and has noticeably less anxiety when the owner leaves and doesn't pee on the rug any more.
I worked with a horse who was so afraid of having shoes put on, he needed to be sedated! This is unusual for a seven year old horse. After chatting with him, we realized he had no understanding of the how's and why's of the process. After clearing that up and meeting a few simple requests he had, he never needed sedation again. The next time the farrier came, he actually was so relaxed he started to fall asleep.
But I had a case recently where the dog said 'NO". An elderly lady adopted a dog from a Shelter. They were not well suited for each other for a lot of reasons. The Shelter should have never let this lady take this dog. Anyway, the first time she takes the dog out to pee, the dog high-tails out of there. I was contacted to help find the dog. The dog basically tells me she doesn't like the old lady because among other things, she smells bad and had tremors. The dog is also upset and confused that she was brought to the Shelter in the first place. The dog says "No Way" that she'll go back to the old lady. We're all worried about the dog being lost during the heat wave. Finally she allows herself to be found by the SPCA. The old lady adopts another (hopefully more suitable) dog instead and we're all hoping the lost dog has more 'say' in the next home she goes to.
These are the kinds of stories that I have from my work. They really aren't measurable except in the way the behaviors change. I would doubt the Scientific Community would ever really accept telepathy as hard science and it's very difficult to explain how AC works metaphysically. Some people really believe it's a lot of hooey or that it's a result of subtle shifts in energy in the owner because they believe that it works. I realize that it is not a very logical thing and most people don't even believe that animals are capable of complex thoughts or feelings. To that I have no good argument other than the miracles I have seen in the lives of my own animals, my friends' animals, and my clients'. AC is not something that is exclusive to a select few people either. We are all capable of communicating. It takes a little practice and may seem unnatural to many people, but we all can do it. It's more about the purity of your intentions and your desire to help. Again something that is not measurable. I imagine that people who work in Herbal Medicine are more on the fringes of the Scientific Community to begin with. I'm curious how the idea came up to contact a Communicator.
There's a wonderful book called "Straight From the Horse's Mouth" by Amelia Kinkade that attempts to explain the metaphysics behind AC. There is another book by Martha Williams "Ask Your Animal" that is very user friendly for the beginner.
In researching herbal medication, we've found that we have to accept different notions of proof. And some cases show us that anecdotal evidence can be more powerful than traditional scientific evidence.
You're right that herbal medication lies on the fringes of science. In some sense we are outsiders. But a measure of maverick mentality must be employed to take on the medical establishment.
We think that non-traditional medicine stacks up against the alternatives, and we seek to prove this -- to our standards -- with Animal Communication. By understanding animal reactions, we could usher in a new paradigm of understanding the effects of medication.
What do you think?
I have a few questions then, what kinds of animals are you testing on? Are they mice and rats? or something else? Is this herbal medicine for animal or human use? What kinds of herbs are we talking about? Are there any legal implications for myself? What exactly do you want me to do? You are aware I have no veterinary backround? I am NOT a vet. Are you asking me to state "No animals were harmed in the testing of this product?" How much time will this involve and how and what are you offering to pay me? Are there other communicators working on this project and are there other projects that utilize communicators? I can only give you my impression. I can not guarantee any specific results. Sorry about so many questions, but this an unique request for me.
We're currently investigating a cancer-preventing herb from Tibet. For corporate-secrecy reasons I cannot give you the name at this time. As I'm sure you know, many products on the herbal market decrease the likelihood of cancer or mitigate its effects. But this product has a hook: we deliver it as a shampoo.
In the past, we tried to bring a product to market as a shampoo. Once we got to stage-3 testing -- human trials -- we found that the product caused searing pain in the eyes. Some of us feel that, with animal communication, we could have detected this earlier and avoided the costs of that trial's fallout.
We'll have to consider the pay-scale. Usually, for contractors, we use incentive-laden deals. In herbal markets, a product either takes off or it doesn't. Buzz and word of mouth contribute and sometimes a product will spread like a virus. Other times, it may languish on shelves and become another ginko mushishi (and we all know THAT story).
How much time it will take depends on how fast you can complete the job. For instance, how long would it take to talk to twenty mice?
I think I'm going to pass on this one, but I wish you well. Something about this doesn't sit right with me and I have too many concerns. I think I'll stick with family pets and finding lost animals. I hope you can find a Communicator who is a good fit for your project. Thanks again for thinking of me and I would be happy to help you or your family with your pets in the future.
Peace and Blessings,
Too bad. I was hoping we could avoid blinding another kid by understanding the animals. Sometimes it's hard to tell if they can even see without Communication.
If you had your choice, what would be your dream herbal product to work on?
I don`t know, I`m really not that into herbalism or Chinese Medicine. I use Grape Seed extract personally for my sinuses and I feed my mare raspberry leaves to help her with her heat cycles, but that is about the extent of my use. I`m not sure anyone will believe a shampoo can prevent cancer though. It would be wonderful if it could, but I don`t think we absorb all that much through our scalps. It`s possible you are right, but I think you may have a hard time marketing it. I wish you luck in your project though.
Actually, the one area where we use science to do our research is market research. We were skeptical when someone had this idea too, but it turns out that a large segment of the population does believe that shampoo can prevent cancer. And this entire segment lies within the herbal-product-purchasing subpopulation.
Might I ask: how did you get turned on to GSE?
Do you ever wonder what your animal or equine friend was thinking? Do you wish you could deepen your relationship with your furry friend? Do have questions you would like answered? Animal Communication may be able to bridge these gaps and deepen your relationship. Readings can be done in person, on the phone, or over the internet. I communicate with animals who are living and those who are in spirit as well. Group rates and parties are now also available. Please email with any question.
I'm interested in speaking to my pets, but I'm skeptical about whether it really works. This is for real, right? It's not just a for-entertainment-only thing?
Thanks, Beth
Hi Beth,
Thanks for contacting me. I do have a good record for seeing changes in animals and for knowing things that I should not know otherwise. I can give you references if you need them. That being said, for legal purposes it is listed under entertainment only. I will enclose my legal disclaimer which is for your and my protection. I charge $25 for a half hour for phone or internet readings and $40 for an hour. For in person visits I charge $60 and price can go up if I have to travel more than 20 miles. In person readings are typically an hour to an hour and a half. As far as the internet readings go, I do not charge until after we are finished, so if you are unsatisfied for any reason, then I will not charge you.
I have enclosed my Mission Statement and Disclaimer. Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Peace and Blessings,
Animal Communication is a form of telepathy that can be done through distance and time. It is my belief that every living creature has a spirit and free will. Animal Communication is a way to strengthen your relationship with your animal companion through a better understanding of each other and open and honest discussion. It can be used as a problem solving tool for behavior issues through a clarification of expectations and negotiation. Animal Communications is not a training method and can not force an animal to do something he or she does not want. I have seen many amazing changes in animals who feel heard and understood. It is my belief that love, patience, and communication can bridge many obstacles in our lives.
Disclaimer: For legal purposes only, this is for entertainment purposes only. M________ makes every effort to give accurate and helpful information. This is not a substitute for regular and emergency veterinary care and M________ is not a veterinarian. Accuracy, results, and outcomes can not be guaranteed, nor are they implied at any time.
Hmm. The issue is that I want to do a trial communicating with animals to convince them to agree to certain tests. If this works it may set a legal precedent for commercial animal communication. But if you list your service as for entertainment, it may nullify the result in terms of us being allowed to do the tests. Could you remove that clause temporarily for this project?
Hi Beth,
I'm not exactly sure what you are asking. I generally work with animals and their owners to help solve problems and help deepen their relationship. I'm not sure Animal Communication will ever be considered "legally sound" but anecdotally it has helped people's relationship with their animals. I also strongly believe that all living creatures have a soul and free will. Animal Communication is not a training process and can not force an animal to do something it does not want to. However, by explaining clearly the how's and why's of what you desire, sometimes opens their hearts and minds to the process.
So when a drug company, for instance, does trials on humans, they require informed consent. The humans need to agree to be a part of the experiment. I think that a talented Animal Communicator could possibly get something similar from animals, potentially by explaining that if the animal participates its young will be taken care of or something similar. Does this make sense?
I'm not sure I'd be comfortable being a part of animal experimentation. Especially if it involves cruelty or mistreatment. I don't think I will be able to help you.
Well one aspect of the communication would be to know if we were hurting them. Until now, animals have had no voice in the entire process.
What kind of research are you doing?
I'm sorry, I don't think I can support any experiment that intentionally or unintentionally harms animals. If the animals were in distress would you stop the experimentation? Do you work with people who are concerned about the welfare of the animals?
I would be surprised if any Communicator would want to be involved in this kind of work. Many of us are empaths. We want to stop suffering of animals, not knowingly subject them to more.
We're doing experimental research of a highly ethics-free nature. We work with natural, herbal medications.
One aspect of this could be this: if an animal died, we could find out if and where it felt pain. This could prevent future suffering (FE: if we knew a subject had stomach pain, it could save the lives of other animals). But rarely are the results so drastic. Herbal medication is rarely very strong. In cases where a medication caused pain, we might infer that it would never make a good human medication and stop the trial.
I'm surprised too that we would consider working with Communicators. But in this economy, I have had many strange bedfellows.
I appreciate that you are looking into Communication as way to give your subjects a voice, but I'm not sure it will help you in the way that you hope. First of all, even if I did describe how the animal says he/she feels, there is really no scientific way to prove it. You can measure their vitals as an indication of pain or distress, but I imagine you already are doing this.
The "proof" in Animal Communication is seen in changes in the animal's behavior. For instance, if I work with a dog who barks excessively or pees on the rug every time the owner goes to work, I would begin the session trying to find out why. The dog may tell me about some past trauma of being abandoned, or maybe the fear of being alone, or maybe something else that is even more surprising (each animal is truly individual). So I would work with the owner and the dog to resolve some of the dog's worries. Maybe the dog wants the owner to tell him when the owner will be home before the owner leaves. Maybe the dog wants the radio on. Maybe he wants the radio off. We work to find a solution both parties are comfortable with. Many times the behavior just improves when the animal feels heard. Then I'll get an email a week later saying that Fido is a 'new dog' and has noticeably less anxiety when the owner leaves and doesn't pee on the rug any more.
I worked with a horse who was so afraid of having shoes put on, he needed to be sedated! This is unusual for a seven year old horse. After chatting with him, we realized he had no understanding of the how's and why's of the process. After clearing that up and meeting a few simple requests he had, he never needed sedation again. The next time the farrier came, he actually was so relaxed he started to fall asleep.
But I had a case recently where the dog said 'NO". An elderly lady adopted a dog from a Shelter. They were not well suited for each other for a lot of reasons. The Shelter should have never let this lady take this dog. Anyway, the first time she takes the dog out to pee, the dog high-tails out of there. I was contacted to help find the dog. The dog basically tells me she doesn't like the old lady because among other things, she smells bad and had tremors. The dog is also upset and confused that she was brought to the Shelter in the first place. The dog says "No Way" that she'll go back to the old lady. We're all worried about the dog being lost during the heat wave. Finally she allows herself to be found by the SPCA. The old lady adopts another (hopefully more suitable) dog instead and we're all hoping the lost dog has more 'say' in the next home she goes to.
These are the kinds of stories that I have from my work. They really aren't measurable except in the way the behaviors change. I would doubt the Scientific Community would ever really accept telepathy as hard science and it's very difficult to explain how AC works metaphysically. Some people really believe it's a lot of hooey or that it's a result of subtle shifts in energy in the owner because they believe that it works. I realize that it is not a very logical thing and most people don't even believe that animals are capable of complex thoughts or feelings. To that I have no good argument other than the miracles I have seen in the lives of my own animals, my friends' animals, and my clients'. AC is not something that is exclusive to a select few people either. We are all capable of communicating. It takes a little practice and may seem unnatural to many people, but we all can do it. It's more about the purity of your intentions and your desire to help. Again something that is not measurable. I imagine that people who work in Herbal Medicine are more on the fringes of the Scientific Community to begin with. I'm curious how the idea came up to contact a Communicator.
There's a wonderful book called "Straight From the Horse's Mouth" by Amelia Kinkade that attempts to explain the metaphysics behind AC. There is another book by Martha Williams "Ask Your Animal" that is very user friendly for the beginner.
In researching herbal medication, we've found that we have to accept different notions of proof. And some cases show us that anecdotal evidence can be more powerful than traditional scientific evidence.
You're right that herbal medication lies on the fringes of science. In some sense we are outsiders. But a measure of maverick mentality must be employed to take on the medical establishment.
We think that non-traditional medicine stacks up against the alternatives, and we seek to prove this -- to our standards -- with Animal Communication. By understanding animal reactions, we could usher in a new paradigm of understanding the effects of medication.
What do you think?
I have a few questions then, what kinds of animals are you testing on? Are they mice and rats? or something else? Is this herbal medicine for animal or human use? What kinds of herbs are we talking about? Are there any legal implications for myself? What exactly do you want me to do? You are aware I have no veterinary backround? I am NOT a vet. Are you asking me to state "No animals were harmed in the testing of this product?" How much time will this involve and how and what are you offering to pay me? Are there other communicators working on this project and are there other projects that utilize communicators? I can only give you my impression. I can not guarantee any specific results. Sorry about so many questions, but this an unique request for me.
We're currently investigating a cancer-preventing herb from Tibet. For corporate-secrecy reasons I cannot give you the name at this time. As I'm sure you know, many products on the herbal market decrease the likelihood of cancer or mitigate its effects. But this product has a hook: we deliver it as a shampoo.
In the past, we tried to bring a product to market as a shampoo. Once we got to stage-3 testing -- human trials -- we found that the product caused searing pain in the eyes. Some of us feel that, with animal communication, we could have detected this earlier and avoided the costs of that trial's fallout.
We'll have to consider the pay-scale. Usually, for contractors, we use incentive-laden deals. In herbal markets, a product either takes off or it doesn't. Buzz and word of mouth contribute and sometimes a product will spread like a virus. Other times, it may languish on shelves and become another ginko mushishi (and we all know THAT story).
How much time it will take depends on how fast you can complete the job. For instance, how long would it take to talk to twenty mice?
I think I'm going to pass on this one, but I wish you well. Something about this doesn't sit right with me and I have too many concerns. I think I'll stick with family pets and finding lost animals. I hope you can find a Communicator who is a good fit for your project. Thanks again for thinking of me and I would be happy to help you or your family with your pets in the future.
Peace and Blessings,
Too bad. I was hoping we could avoid blinding another kid by understanding the animals. Sometimes it's hard to tell if they can even see without Communication.
If you had your choice, what would be your dream herbal product to work on?
I don`t know, I`m really not that into herbalism or Chinese Medicine. I use Grape Seed extract personally for my sinuses and I feed my mare raspberry leaves to help her with her heat cycles, but that is about the extent of my use. I`m not sure anyone will believe a shampoo can prevent cancer though. It would be wonderful if it could, but I don`t think we absorb all that much through our scalps. It`s possible you are right, but I think you may have a hard time marketing it. I wish you luck in your project though.
Actually, the one area where we use science to do our research is market research. We were skeptical when someone had this idea too, but it turns out that a large segment of the population does believe that shampoo can prevent cancer. And this entire segment lies within the herbal-product-purchasing subpopulation.
Might I ask: how did you get turned on to GSE?
Sunday, July 18, 2010
press release (updated)
craigslist ad: $49 PR Firm Written Press Releases With FREE Distribution (L_____ V______)
_____PR has been helping business owners all over the L_____ V_____ uncover new business opportunities using the power of press releases. For the very affordable price of only $49 our team of professional press release writers can get the word out about your business too! As our current special we will also post your press release for FREE on the Internet!
For only $49 our team of skilled press release writers will write you a custom press release that you can send to the media or post on your website. If you prefer we send it out for you, it's only $49 more for us to send it out to the targeted newspapers, television stations and radio stations in the L_____ V_____! That's an easy way to get the news out about your company at a very low price!
Best of all it's easy to get started and we typically can turn around a draft press release in only 24-48 hours. Email us or visit us on the web at http://_____ for more information today. Check out some of our recent press releases on the web at http://_____
I would like to inseminate the public with some information, but I need help wording some of the facts so that I can effectively spread the seed of what will eventually become a revenue stream. Do you aid clients with the words of the press releases that you write? If so, what is the rate?
Thanks, Beth
Hello Beth,
We definitely can. We can write the entire press release for you for only $49. Just give us the topic and we can get started on it for you.
Can you suggest a few topics?
Thanks, Beth
Hello Beth,
Thank you for your email. What are you looking to promote?
I'm looking to promote a business that I will develop to eventually become a revenue stream. Do you work with this kind of situation?
Hello Beth,
We definitely do work with those types of ventures. Can you tell me a little more about the business so I can help you better?
Sure. I had the idea to start a business about 10 months ago (approx. 1 yr.). For the past year, I have been gathering capital to serve as a nest egg for the business.
Hello Beth,
What kind of business?
I would like it to be an at-home business with a constant revenue stream.
Hello Beth,
I am a marketing firm. I think you may want to consult a business consultant.
Thank you for your interest.
I have discussed this with a business consultant, and they thought it was best that I looked to a marketing firm. They said that I would need clients if I wanted to turn my hobby into a revenue stream (i.e., through monetizing).
(weeks pass)
I spoke with a business consultant and I now have a 'Business Plan.' Are you still writing press releases?
Thanks, Beth
Hello Beth,
That's great. What business did you come up with?
The 'Business Plan' will allow me to use my hobby to generate a constant revenue stream. As I said before, it will be an at-home business that can monetize my hobby.
What is your hobby?
Can you suggest a few hobbies?
No. You need to come up with one.
Okay, I have several ideas. Hiking and board games have always intrigued me. I've also done a lot of brackish fishkeeping, but I'm not sure how that could be turned into a constant revenue stream.
_____PR has been helping business owners all over the L_____ V_____ uncover new business opportunities using the power of press releases. For the very affordable price of only $49 our team of professional press release writers can get the word out about your business too! As our current special we will also post your press release for FREE on the Internet!
For only $49 our team of skilled press release writers will write you a custom press release that you can send to the media or post on your website. If you prefer we send it out for you, it's only $49 more for us to send it out to the targeted newspapers, television stations and radio stations in the L_____ V_____! That's an easy way to get the news out about your company at a very low price!
Best of all it's easy to get started and we typically can turn around a draft press release in only 24-48 hours. Email us or visit us on the web at http://_____ for more information today. Check out some of our recent press releases on the web at http://_____
I would like to inseminate the public with some information, but I need help wording some of the facts so that I can effectively spread the seed of what will eventually become a revenue stream. Do you aid clients with the words of the press releases that you write? If so, what is the rate?
Thanks, Beth
Hello Beth,
We definitely can. We can write the entire press release for you for only $49. Just give us the topic and we can get started on it for you.
Can you suggest a few topics?
Thanks, Beth
Hello Beth,
Thank you for your email. What are you looking to promote?
I'm looking to promote a business that I will develop to eventually become a revenue stream. Do you work with this kind of situation?
Hello Beth,
We definitely do work with those types of ventures. Can you tell me a little more about the business so I can help you better?
Sure. I had the idea to start a business about 10 months ago (approx. 1 yr.). For the past year, I have been gathering capital to serve as a nest egg for the business.
Hello Beth,
What kind of business?
I would like it to be an at-home business with a constant revenue stream.
Hello Beth,
I am a marketing firm. I think you may want to consult a business consultant.
Thank you for your interest.
I have discussed this with a business consultant, and they thought it was best that I looked to a marketing firm. They said that I would need clients if I wanted to turn my hobby into a revenue stream (i.e., through monetizing).
(weeks pass)
I spoke with a business consultant and I now have a 'Business Plan.' Are you still writing press releases?
Thanks, Beth
Hello Beth,
That's great. What business did you come up with?
The 'Business Plan' will allow me to use my hobby to generate a constant revenue stream. As I said before, it will be an at-home business that can monetize my hobby.
What is your hobby?
Can you suggest a few hobbies?
No. You need to come up with one.
Okay, I have several ideas. Hiking and board games have always intrigued me. I've also done a lot of brackish fishkeeping, but I'm not sure how that could be turned into a constant revenue stream.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
resume work
Do you charge just to look at a resume and say whether or not you can help?
Thanks, Beth
First and foremost, thanks for your interest in this service.
I'll take a quick look and provide a free estimate.
Sure. Please don't be too critical. This is just a draft.
Thanks, Beth
Terrific! I also have a few cold, hard facts that I would like to integrate into the resume:
1. I am a very hard worker.
2. I exude an aura of competence.
3. What is my address?
Thanks, Beth
I've updated the craigslist ad to reflect a $15 - $30 pricing scheme; I'll set your particular cost to $15.
The resume provided is "wavy" - it lacks a major focus and the structure isn't pleasing to the eye.
If you wish to go forward, let's "metricize" your resume and transform it into something a numbers-based organization (such as a bank) will quickly favor over what other, alternative potential employees bring to the table.
Once again, thanks for your interest.
In this economy, one must have the right resume. Do you think that, with the right de-waving and metricization -- and, in addition, getting creative and thinking outside the box -- I could land my dream job? For instance, with the right resume, could I be hired as the CEO of a major bank?
"could I be hired as the CEO of a major bank?"
Perhaps if you have the ties to the right people. Given your level of experience in the banking industry, though, I would assume you'd probably be placed at a level lower than that of a CEO.
And, if you did apply for a CEO position, your resume may be overlooked because it does not contain the right keywords ("managed," "led," "netted," and the like) and experience. To that, I wouldn't lie on your resume.
I honestly believe that anyone can land a position when he or she is equipped with
1. zest,
2. the ability to holistically conceptualize the organization applied for and its processes,
3. and a dose of interpersonal communication skills - writing, public speaking, etc.
Unfortunately, in most cases, business metrics demand that your resume match certain terminology and experience before you can even be considered for certain industries or positions in said industries.
For instance, I would love to be a CEO of a bank and make big decisions all day while earning $500 an hour myself, but I don't have an MBA or royal blood flowing within my veins.
Thank you for your candidacy. You are probably right that a company wouldn't hire me right away as their CEO. I imagine that they would groom me for a couple years. Also, you are correct that I should not lie on my resume. But I think a smart employer reads between the lines and looks more for descriptive facts than at numerical accomplishments. And I need to apply for the biggest position they have: I believe that the best way to get to the top is to start at the top.
I have a few ideas for how to incorporate the key-words without lying about work experience. "Netted" is an easy one. I can claim to be a fishing hobbyist. Maybe under sports experiences, I could say that I participated in a Marlin Calcutta and "netted" two blue marlin. Although this isn't in a CEO context, it will enter their subliminal mind -- possibly a more powerful asset. The fishing plays into another aspect of this, hinting at my plan to land the biggest fish they have: the CEO job.
Do you think it would help to get an MBA, since I want to be the CEO of a major bank? Maybe I'll work on incorporating your suggestions into a powerful sentence. Something like: "if given the right opportunity, could use zestful, holistic organization conception to mangle a major bank"? I've left out the interpersonal skills but maybe those can be addressed in an interview. Do you think this works?
Thanks, Beth
Do you charge just to look at a resume and say whether or not you can help?
Thanks, Beth
First and foremost, thanks for your interest in this service.
I'll take a quick look and provide a free estimate.
Sure. Please don't be too critical. This is just a draft.
Thanks, Beth
Good morning!
I'll have a response for you by tonight.
Terrific! I also have a few cold, hard facts that I would like to integrate into the resume:
1. I am a very hard worker.
2. I exude an aura of competence.
3. What is my address?
Thanks, Beth
I've updated the craigslist ad to reflect a $15 - $30 pricing scheme; I'll set your particular cost to $15.
The resume provided is "wavy" - it lacks a major focus and the structure isn't pleasing to the eye.
If you wish to go forward, let's "metricize" your resume and transform it into something a numbers-based organization (such as a bank) will quickly favor over what other, alternative potential employees bring to the table.
Once again, thanks for your interest.
In this economy, one must have the right resume. Do you think that, with the right de-waving and metricization -- and, in addition, getting creative and thinking outside the box -- I could land my dream job? For instance, with the right resume, could I be hired as the CEO of a major bank?
"could I be hired as the CEO of a major bank?"
Perhaps if you have the ties to the right people. Given your level of experience in the banking industry, though, I would assume you'd probably be placed at a level lower than that of a CEO.
And, if you did apply for a CEO position, your resume may be overlooked because it does not contain the right keywords ("managed," "led," "netted," and the like) and experience. To that, I wouldn't lie on your resume.
I honestly believe that anyone can land a position when he or she is equipped with
1. zest,
2. the ability to holistically conceptualize the organization applied for and its processes,
3. and a dose of interpersonal communication skills - writing, public speaking, etc.
Unfortunately, in most cases, business metrics demand that your resume match certain terminology and experience before you can even be considered for certain industries or positions in said industries.
For instance, I would love to be a CEO of a bank and make big decisions all day while earning $500 an hour myself, but I don't have an MBA or royal blood flowing within my veins.
Thank you for your candidacy. You are probably right that a company wouldn't hire me right away as their CEO. I imagine that they would groom me for a couple years. Also, you are correct that I should not lie on my resume. But I think a smart employer reads between the lines and looks more for descriptive facts than at numerical accomplishments. And I need to apply for the biggest position they have: I believe that the best way to get to the top is to start at the top.
I have a few ideas for how to incorporate the key-words without lying about work experience. "Netted" is an easy one. I can claim to be a fishing hobbyist. Maybe under sports experiences, I could say that I participated in a Marlin Calcutta and "netted" two blue marlin. Although this isn't in a CEO context, it will enter their subliminal mind -- possibly a more powerful asset. The fishing plays into another aspect of this, hinting at my plan to land the biggest fish they have: the CEO job.
Do you think it would help to get an MBA, since I want to be the CEO of a major bank? Maybe I'll work on incorporating your suggestions into a powerful sentence. Something like: "if given the right opportunity, could use zestful, holistic organization conception to mangle a major bank"? I've left out the interpersonal skills but maybe those can be addressed in an interview. Do you think this works?
Thanks, Beth
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